5 Social Media Snafus Your Business Must Avoid

5 Social Media Snafus to Avoid

Nathan ImhoffSocial Media

3. Auto-posting

Avoid The Embarrassment of Obvious Auto Post

Avoid The Embarrassment of Obvious Auto Post

Ok really I mean auto anything in excess is just not okay!  I get how tempting auto-posting can be for tweets, Facebook and blogs as we live in a microwave society where fast and easy rule over quality and time. But, like any good diet plan, take the time to enjoy the fruits that come with the labor – moderation is truly key!

So heed this advice or be like Mr. Popular – Guy Kawasaki and tweet upbeat positive commercial messages to you followers as a national tragedy unfolds! Hopefully, though if you don’t heed my advice and find yourself digging an embarrassing hole like Mr. K you stop digging.

Lesson Here? Auto-posting in moderation is palatable but not the ticket to a FREE Lunch.